Tungsten Fabric Workshop
November 16, 2018 
Time: 9 am - 12 noon
Location: Nanjing Shangri La Hotel, 3rd Level, Qingliang Room


  • 9:00 - 9:45  Welcome; Tungsten Fabric: Past, Present & Future  - Chee Hey, Juniper Networks

  • 9:45 - 10:30  Orchestrate SDN Switches with Tungsten Fabric - Edward Ting, Lenovo

    • Abstract:  TF is strong at managing Juniper Networks switches. Recently we have extended it to support third-party switches, for example, Cisco and white box switches.  This topic will describe the detailed methods, progress and learnings.

  • 10:30 - 10:45 Break

  • 10:45 - 11:15 Open Lab as a Service for Tungsten Fabric - Zhaoyan Chen, Intel 

    • Abstract: Testing Tungsten Fabric on real servers (not in VMs) is important for verifying the quality of the project. However, it is not easy to deploy the whole Tungsten Fabric to real servers' testbed. This talk is intended to introduce the fully automated Open Lab, which is serving for Tungsten Fabric daily test. The introduction includes the Open Lab workflow, testbed topology and test suites as well as a brief demonstration of the UI and reports of Open Lab.

  • 11:15 - Noon  Tungsten Fabric: Developer Overview (How to Contribute to the Community) - Chee Hey, Juniper Networks


*Please provide title, short bio and photo.

  File Modified
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Welcome_Tungsten_Fabric_Past_Present_&_Future_v2.pptx Dec 05, 2018 by Jennifer Fowler
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Upstream_Contributor_Deck_v2.pptx Dec 05, 2018 by Jennifer Fowler
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation TF_CI_GNTC_2018_openlab.pptx Nov 27, 2018 by Zhaoyan Chen
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Multi-vendor SDN Controller Based on Tungsten Fabric.pptx Dec 03, 2018 by Edward Ting

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