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LTS releases

the long term support releases

LFNLinux Foundation Networking
SDN Software-Defined Network
CNCFCloud Network Computing Foundation
ContributorContributors include anyone in the technical community that contributes code, documentation, or other technical artifacts to the Project
CommitterCommitters are Contributors who have earned the ability to modify (“commit”) source code, documentation or other technical artifacts in a project’s repository
PTLProject Technical Lead - a technical individual  responsible for the project, provides direction for a sub-project. Check also Ownership & Responsibilities
NFVNetwork Function Virtualization
TSCTechnical Steering Committee. The main TF governance body
TWSTechnical Work Stream - Community call to deep dive on technical issues
TFTungsten Fabric Community. This community.
IRCInternet Relay Chat
VPGVirtual Port Group
CLAContributor Licence Agreement

The bigger area of the Tungsten Fabric functionality logically separated (eg. Configuration System, Fabric Management System, Control System, vRouter etc.). Modules may be composed of components. Modules and components may or may not align with source code repositories.

  • Controller Module - connotes the collection of modules (sub-systems) that implement the TF controller, e.g. Configuration System, Fabric Management System, Control System etc. Modules may in turn be composed of components e.g. Schema Transformer and API Service for the Configuration System. Components may be further decomposed into sub-components
  • Data Plane Modules - at this time vRouter and Agent


  1. Reserved for parts that make up modules, components may be reused across other components and modules, components may be made up of other components
  2. Juniper has 55 components identified today
TL/SMETechnical Leader/Subject Matter Expert - a technical individual assigned to anything of significance, module, component, project, support activity with a deep knowledge and understanding of assigned part. Should be consulted and treated as a decision-maker for the respective area.
ProjectCollection of work undertaken to deliver a well-defined goal. The goal can be anything, it could be a feature enhancement or a big bug, support activity. Anything of significance that requires a well-defined goal can be a project. Projects transcend modules and components.  A project is generally associated with a timeframe, a plan, and a collection of people. A technical leader/manager for a project should be defined


Any meaningful distinction to enhance understanding. Categories may apply to modules, components, projects, anything useful

Ownership & Responsibilities

A project, activity, module or component has only one leader, it may have many participants

Supporting Activities

Any body of work in support of TF processes, development or release activities e.g. CI, infrastructure, documentation, deployment. Each supporting activity has a technical leader

Source Code Repositories

Individual git repository that house TF code, names may not map directly to modules and components
