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  • Fawad Shaikh, Sr Solutions Architect at Juniper
  • Deploying TF on k8s with Helm
    • Example of how IBM rolled it out for their IBM Cloud Private (ICP)
  • Basic overview of TF with k8s
  • ICP
    • Currently use Calico by default as the CNI in the ICP
    • Some customers wanted namespace isolation and analytics → enter TF
    • TF integration with ICP went surprisingly smoothly
    • Their private cloud market is growing because of compliance, security, support, and services
      • Step toward hybrid and multi cloud
  • ICP heavily relies on Helm to manage k8s or things that run on k8s
    • So you need Helm up and running to get the apps up & running → do on host network so you don't have to wait for CNI
    • After that, use Helm to bring up the CNI, followed by platform tools (databases, logging, etc), then apps
  • Use cases of what they were trying to achieve
    • Control and security for k8s is painful
    • Using the tags for TF makes things a lot better
    • Can isolate pods to segment & have better security
    • Reuse of policies was very useful
  • Demo time!
    • Video already on the TF YouTube channel: 
      • Widget Connector
    • The CNI comes up in 1 minute (and it's only that slow because it has to get the Docker containers)

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