
Attendees & Representation

Casey Cain Sukhdev Kapur Subramanian M Soujanya R M Alexandre Levine




Sukhdev Kapur reported that there have been 2 topics submitted for ONES.


CC wants to use this call to discuss more technical work such as blueprints.  The process is under doc review right now.  However, it is recommended that we offer a period where a blueprint submitted to a specific location for review.  An email at that time should be sent to the tsc mailing list notifying them that a new Blueprint has been submitted.  Once that is done, the first TWS meeting will review the proposal.  When the TWS agrees that it is a sound proposal that will not negatively impact other aspects of Tungsten Fabric, then the TWS body can "approve" it.  There will then be a 2 week comment period on the proposal.  The submitter should be actively responding to comments during this period.  After the 2 week review, the TSC will then vote on the collected proposal and comments for approval as a new "Project" or "Proposal".

Blueprints should not be used for bugs.

Technical Review

Please review the JIRA and Blueprint workflow patch documentation

Action items