Zoom Bridge: https://zoom.us/j/126834756 || Meeting ID: 126 834 756   ||  Recording Repository 

Attendees & Representation

TSC Members and Project representatives should mark their attendance below

X = Present | P = Proxy  (Indicate below table with @name for @name

TSC Voting Members
Technical RepresentativesCommunity Representatives

Sukhdev Kapur - Juniper

Darien Hirotsu - TachTech

Sanju Abraham - Stackpath

Edward Ting - Cloudasoft

Ian Rae - CloudOps

Community Elected Roles
Release Manager

Marek Chwal- CodiLime

LF Staff:



  1. [idea] - the topic owner introduces a new idea to be discussed
  2. [information] - the topic owner only provides information
  3. [decision wanted] - the topic owner is looking for a decision
  4. [discussion] - a general discussion
  5. [question] - the topic owner is looking for an answer


Topic 1

Topic 2

Action items