

This document is target to define a performance test suite for Tungsten Fabric. A unified and simplified performance test solution/methodology benefits to users for


Hardware requirements

1x Intel Xeon server as TF Controller 1

2x Intel Xeon server as TF DUT1 and DUT2

1x internal switch for test network

Software Requirements


OS: Centos7.5 Minimal

Kernel parameters for isolate cores for testing. E.g.

isolcpus=10-27,38-55,66-83,94-111 nohz_full=10-27,38-55,66-83,94-111 rcu_nocbs=10-27,38-55,66-83,94-111 irqbalance=off mce=ignore_ce intel_pstate=disable iommu=pt intel_iommu=on

Physical Network Topology for testing

Generally, the physical topology has 2 networks, 1 network is for management and the other network is for test.

Tungsten Fabric Setup

Setup a 3-node Tungsten Fabric environment is fully automated, the playbooks are at Please follow up the guide to setup the Tungsten Fabric system. We use OpenStack as the orchestration for test.

The Reference of instance.yaml for 3-node setup


# copy this file to contrail-ansible-deployer/config




    ssh_pwd: tester

    ssh_user: root






    provider: bms












        PHYSICAL_INTERFACE: ens802f0

        CPU_CORE_MASK: "0xff0"

        DPDK_UIO_DRIVER: igb_uio

        HUGE_PAGES: 3000

        AGENT_MODE: dpdk


    provider: bms





        PHYSICAL_INTERFACE: enp24s0f0

        CPU_CORE_MASK: "0xff0"

        DPDK_UIO_DRIVER: igb_uio

        HUGE_PAGES: 10240

        AGENT_MODE: dpdk


    provider: bms





        PHYSICAL_INTERFACE: enp24s0f0

        CPU_CORE_MASK: "0xff0"

        DPDK_UIO_DRIVER: igb_uio

        HUGE_PAGES: 10240

        AGENT_MODE: dpdk




  CONTRAIL_VERSION: 5.0.0-0.40-ocata








  HTTP_PROXY: "<if you have proxy>"

  HTTPS_PROXY: "<if you have proxy>"

  NO_PROXY: "<if you have proxy>"

  DPDK_UIO_DRIVER: "igb_uio"



# should be a ip address is not used. try to ping it, before you set it






    keepalived_virtual_router_id: "235"

    enable_haproxy: "yes"

    enable_ironic: "no"

    enable_swift: "no"


    keystone_admin_password: c0ntrail123



After deployment successful, the topology of network and services looks like,


Performance Test Image and Test Tools Configuration

The image for testing is based on the basic cloud image, e.g.


# need to remove root pwd in the image

sudo apt-get install qemu-utils

sudo modprobe nbd max_part=8

wget --timestamping --tries=1

sudo qemu-nbd --connect=/dev/nbd0  xenial-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img

sudo mount /dev/nbd0p1 /mnt/

sudo sed -i "s/root:x:/root::/" /mnt/etc/passwd

sudo umount /mnt

sudo qemu-nbd --disconnect /dev/nbd0

Configure Flavor

For performance testing, suggest to create a flavor has features

Configure Network/Subnetwork

For performance testing, suggest to create 4 networks, because 4 ports will be used in VPPV test. Such as,

Instances configuration

After download this basic image and do modification of the root privileges, and setup performance tools, then upload the image to OpenStack by GUI or command line.

With the instances launched, the topology look like,

Performance tool - Trex

For VPPV test, Trex is used for traffic generator. So installing the trex to the instance is mandatory. Trex installation document at Please follow up the guide to setup the trex into /opt.

Performance tool - iPerf3

For the iPerf test, version is used. Get the iPerf at 

Flow Table Scalability Test


Flow classification and flow-table lookup take major part of the total packet processing time in vRouter. Flow classification typically involves pattern matching rules where packets need to be parsed, to form a lookup key which is then matched with the flow-table to determine the action on the flow (forward to other table, forward to an output port, drop, ..etc.). It is one of the most demanding tasks and often becomes a major performance bottleneck for packet processing using vRouter. Hence, quantifying the performance of the vRouter at different flow-table load and flow-table sizes is crucial for many workloads.

At each operating point (flow-table size, load, ..etc.) three main performance metrics for the flow-table should be quantified:

1.      Lookup rate (forwarding rate), which measures the throughput of matching (either hit or miss) a flow in the flow-table and directly affects to the forwarding rate of the data plane.

2.      Insert rate (update rate), which measures the throughput of inserting new keys and/or updating existing keys into the flow-table

3.      Efficient table utilization, which measures how many keys in a pool of keys were inserted in the table and how many have failed to be inserted (e.g., because of too many keys collisions, ..etc.) for a given table size (i.e. allocated memory for the flow-table).  

Traffic and flow table setup

As previously mention, flow-table utilization and flow count in the table affect the vRouter performance significantly. To cover a wide range of applications and workload requirements, different testing scenarios are required.

As shown in Table-1, these scenarios should cover different allocated memory for the flow-table sizes, namely, (i) Small flow-table (fits within local cache), medium (fits within last level cache) and large (doesn’t fit in cache) (in next sub-section, we give an example on how to size the flow tables for a given platform configuration). For each of these cases, the different performance metrics (lookup rate, insert rate and table utilization) should be measured at different table load, when the table is almost empty, and when it is half full, and finally when it is almost full.

Flow-Table Size


(fits in local CPU cache)


(fits in CPU LLC cache)


(does not fit in cache)

Table Load (i.e. Flow Count)

Almost empty (5% of size)

Half Full (50% of size)

Almost full (95% of size)

Almost empty (5% of size)

Half Full (50% of size)

Almost full (95% of size)

Almost empty (5% of size)

Half Full (50% of size)

Almost full (95% of size)

Flow-table Metrics

Lookup Rate, Insert Rate and Table Utilization

Lookup Rate, Insert Rate and Table Utilization

Lookup Rate, Insert Rate and Table Utilization

Table 1: Flow-table Scalability Testing Scenarios