Cutting the 5.1 release from contrail sources
# Please note that v5.1 is the tag on git repos, r5.1 is the tag for build artifacts
# Also this process is validate on CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 and CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810
# and follows documentation as per
# All Details are already captured in Contrail-dev-env README file, however for ease of reference
# this installation assumes availability of git and docker on the host machine.
# which can be installed using
# For CentOS/RHEL/Fedora linux host:
#     yum install docker git
# For Ubuntu linux host:
#     apt install git
git clone -b v5.1
cd contrail-dev-env

# using tungstenfabric/developer-sandbox:r5.1 takes care of the mainfest file needed for release r5.1
./ -i tungstenfabric/developer-sandbox -t r5.1

# connect to container can use attach as alternative
docker exec -it contrail-developer-sandbox bash

# execute all the below in the container #

# switch to dev-env directory
cd /root/contrail-dev-env

# update tpc to point to tpc-R5.1 instead of tpc
# this is needed as tpc-R5.1 was not available at the time of cutting out release r5.1
sed -i 's/\/tpc/\/tpc-R5.1/g' tpc.repo.template

# followup with sandbox operations
make sync
make fetch_packages
make setup
make dep
export SRCVER=r5.1
export BUILDTAG=1

make rpm

# avoid development setup to override the CONTRAIL_VERSION
sed -i '/CONTRAIL_VERSION/d' common.env

# you can skip this if you are not intending to push it to docker hub, else you can use corresponding username
export CONTRAIL_REGISTRY=<your registery name>
sed -i '/CONTRAIL_REGISTRY/d' common.env
sed -i '/CONTRAIL_TEST_REGISTRY/d' common.env

export SB_BRANCH=v5.1
make containers
# v5.1 is not available for deployers
export SB_BRANCH=master
make deployers
  • No labels


  1. We probably need some baseline requirements for this.  Does it require a specific OS or have particular dependencies?

  2. tried to capture some more details in comments.
    Added a reference link to contrail-dev-env README file

  3. Prabhjot Singh Sethi: after "make containers" do you see 2 different tags? I see "queens-r5.1" and "r5.1". If you do see "queens-r5.1", why is it there? If you do not see "queens-r5.1", any idea why I have it?

  4. yes Edward Ting we do see two different tags, but pointing to same image.
    This comes from src/ line 82
    where the default value queens comes from src/ line 41

  5. Hi,

    I want to customize the code for testing in our environment, so in which step, I should change to do that?