
This page describes basic aspects and spaces of interest for Release Manager. It's a good point to start if you are a newly elected Release Manager to get in touch with new responsibilities.

Release Process

Currently held release process is split into 5 milestones and one (or more depending on the situation) release candidate.

Each of the milestones describes criteria of the feature epic that have to be fulfilled in order to pass the milestone. 

Every release is based on Release Scope Overview document attached under Release section of the Tungsten Fabric Wiki for proper release. Template of such a document may be found here: [Template] Release Scope Overview.

Planned deadlines table serves as a plan for accomplishing of every milestone.
However, not all epics planned for release must be completed in order to make a release.
Release should be made periodically and contain all the epics that completed all the milestones and have release candidate before the deadline of the release. If an epic is not finished before release date then it continues development and simply is released in the next release.

Every change planned for the release should be accepted by related committers - these are committers active in every of the project that have technical knowledge to decide whether such a feature makes sense and is possible to add to the project.

Planned scope table shows all Jira Epics that describe planned features for the next release. Every epic should have description with accepted blueprint (example blueprint: https://github.com/tungstenfabric/tf-specs/blob/master/R2105/l3mh.mdas well as owner of the epic which is a technical person that leads the development of the specific feature and is a single point of contact with TSC and Release Manager regarding progress on the feature. Planned scope is automatically created by adding table based on Jira filter which looks for epics in TF Features Jir aprojects and Fix Version to target release number.


Jira have a few projects:

TF Features

This is a project which should contain only release epics and no stories or tasks related to them. This project is desired to have only high-level of development for release.

Every epic should have filled Fix Version field with the tag of planned release and information at what milestone is epic currently.


This is a separate project for tickets related to TSC priorities where tracked is progress and exchanged comments.

Link to the TSC priorities: TSC Priorities

TF Core

This is a project dedicated to TF Core project in Tungsten Fabric. All the stories and tickets related to TF Core should be created in this project and only linked with release epics located in TF Features project.

TF Operator 

<TODO: create project>

This is a project dedicated to TF Operator project in Tungsten Fabric. All the stories and tickets related to TF Operator should be created in this project and only linked with release epics located in TF Features project.


<TODO: create project>

This is a project dedicated to TF CI/CD project in Tungsten Fabric. All the stories and tickets related to TF CI/CD should be created in this project and only linked with release epics located in TF Features project.


This project is dedicated to all work related to the documentation.

TF Bugs

<TODO: decide whether to keep it and how to handle bugs>

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