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  • NCDC
    • Does Sukhdev Kapur have what he needs for NCDC?
      • Don't think so
    • Pretty sure we have the speakers we need for this
      • At least there haven't been any frantic emails from Edward Tingsaying we don't
  • Updating the upstream contributor guide
    • VMB suggests we wait for some dust to settle before we write this; too many things in flux
  • TF Carbide evaluation guide
    • Draft in Juniper Google Docs  
    • Dmitri finally has what he needs for this
    • Hope to have use cases drafted by end of next week
    • VMB: Where will he be publishing this?
      • Suggests docs repo
    • When he's ready to have more people review it, send a patch to docs repo in
  • Website accessibility
    • Site isn't colorblind accessible
      • Switch to a lighter orange
      • Lisa checked with Brandon, who's checking w/their creative team
    • May need to redo the branding palette for accessibility
    • LC following up with Brandon on that
    • RC: Has the original branding guide
  • Website messaging 
    • Recap from last call
      • Quick survey of what needs to happen on the site (aesthetic and practical)
      • Largest concern: Need to be tighter with the messaging on the homepage
        • Layout presented as buzzword bingo
      • Randy wants it to be more appealing to k8s community
        • Also maybe CNCF Telecom WG
      • Retool messaging to be less network engineer-centric and more speaking cloud native language
    • Messaging meetings on calendar starting next week
      • Boil down current extensive verbiage to concise value prop
      • Also pivot a bit toward k8s & container ecosystem
    • LC will put together a list of questions to serve as a discussion guide
  • Random stuff
    • FYI: Marketing Metrics page is a thing
      • May want to start thinking about what we want to promote & how well those promotions succeed
      • Do this after the website revamp
    • Q3/Q4 planning soon
      • Do website first
      • Also, 2020; will need budget asks by end of September
    • Website changes?
      • Once we know what they are, who does them?
      • LF/Brandon will implement the changes we send them
    • DH: Do we have a "Hello, World!" for TF?
      • WS: Carbide is the best option right now
        • Mixed results with the one-click install
        • WS is working on some automation (Ansible) to validate it works as expected
        • GSoC student working on a quick start guide based around k8s
      • DH: But what do you do after it's running? How do you actually push a basic app? What's the kubectl stuff?
        • Are there examples in Carbide?
        • WS: Don't know that we have this doc yet
        • Once TF is set up as a CNI, should be able to use k8s just as you always use k8s
          • But don't have a list of functionality in k8s and how it maps to TF
          • Would be very useful though, just don't have it yet
        • WS will send DH a yaml file to get a pod/service up and running

Action items