


  • Action items from 2019-08-09 Marketing Meeting
  • Twitter: can we share the work?
  • Open items, need LFN input on web overhaul next steps, DPDK Summit info


  • Budgeting process is changing this year, being led by a Strategic Planning Committee. Putting out a video on the process on Monday.
    • LC: Do we have a top number?
    • CC: TBD. The TSC leads are all involved, so they're getting input from the projects.
    • LC: Is there any marketing participation, either from the MAC or otherwise? Concerned that TSC leads may not have the best input as to what's needed/advisable for marketing, and we've seen differing views from the two sides in the past.
    • CC: I will raise that issue to Arpit. 
  • DPDK Summit: Sept 19-20, Bordeaux, France.  CC: Interest from TF TSC in participating in some fashion, but no concrete steps to date. 
    • Current collaboration: have a demo based on DPDK for ONS. Also have a project to work on integration.
    • Also DPDK N. America (~Nov 18), CFP is currently open:
    • Trishan de Lanerolle (data plane projects manager) joined, thinks Jill may have asked about TF's interest in DPDK summit participation for 2020 planning. DPDK is thinking of broadening focus with an open source data plane conference in midyear 2020. ( interested)–DPDK gauging interest from other projects now. Not sure about funding model yet. 
      • LC: Sounds like if TSC is interested, we would want to put to this on the Planning Committee's radar so that LFN could provide some sponsorship.
      • Trishan is also looking at individual corporate sponsors.  
  • Status of website overhaul: unknown. Looking for info on when we can expect to see mockups Jill Lovato
  • KubeCon DDF: secured room for 55 people, classroom seating + possibly a smaller room. Which day is TBD.
    • Lisa to reach out to Brandon Wick re overall LFN plans at KubeCon.

Action items
