


Active meetup opportunities: 

  1. The Kubernetes & CNCF Bulgaria meetup requested a TF speaker for 2/28, but we passed on this because we couldn’t find a speaker in time. *They would welcome a speaker at a later meeting.
  2. Prague Containers Meetup - open to having a speaker, requested abstract and availability. No response to request for speakers on Slack and dev email list.
  3. Cloud Native London - interested in a service mesh presentation.
  4. OSN User Group in Moscow is interested hosting a TF presenter at an upcoming meetup in May or June.
    1. Randy's checking with Alex on this
    2. We let Brandon know we're interested & working on it

Ongoing meetup outreach:

Priority Events for the year?

Conference updates

  1. ONS NA
    1. Running TungstenFabric at Scale - Piyush Srivastava, Workday - Thursday, April 4 • 3:40pm - 4:10pm
  2. Open Infrastructure Summit - Agenda to publish next week.

Action Items