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Edward Ting (Lenovo)

Prabhjot Singh Sethi (ATS)

Joseph Gasparakis (Intel)

Randy Bias (Juniper)

Send regrets: VMB, 

Darien Hirotsu  (Redapt / SDN E)

Jim St. Leger

Anda Nicolae  (Lenovo)

Sukhdev Kapur (Juniper)


  • Review action items from 2019-02-28 Meeting notes
  • TC election results
  • TSC chair election (
  • CLA automation update
  • TSC priority brainstorming (see 2019 TSC Priorities)
    • Particularly release cycle: 9 months will not be nearly fast enough for downstream commercial distributions like Juniper's Contrail
    • Related: do we think the TF community is in the distribution business or not?  It directly affects how we think about the build/release process
  • ARB member replacement from Nachi Ueno to Shivayogi Ugaji (added by Sukhdev)
  • Interns - there are two candidates who have sent emails to the community (added by Sukhdev)
    • VMB: The GSoC team is tracking this stuff in an invite-only spreadsheet; ping Valentine if you want access
  • Opt-in Demographics Diagnostics for TF
  • doc group meeting


  • Docs meeting setup for Wednesday 8:30 PST
  • CLAs sent over
  • TSC priority brainstorming
    • another week for feedback
    • need better technical feedback
    • docs and workflow for new devs
      • how can I do this as a new dev?
    • devstack
    • need docs before anything else to grow new devs/ community

Action Items

Randy Bias