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Sukhdev Kapur - Juniper


Edward Ting - Cloudasoft


Darien Hirotsu - TachTech


Sanju Abraham - Stackpath


Randy Bias - Juniper



LF Staff: Daniel Pono TakamoriCasey Cain



Topic 1

  • Comments

Topic 2

  • Comments

Action items


TSC Chair Election

  • Casey reminded TSC members that the self-nomination period for TSC Chair ends on .  Please Self-nominate for Chairperson here:

Working From Home / COVID Updates

  • Most people actively working from home.
  • Some people identifying some issues working from home.  Balancing Family and tooling.
  • Casey asked, would it be helpful if the LF produced and distributed some tips for working from home?
    • Vicky recommended a book called "Remote".

Release Plan Proposal

  • Prabhjot has started a mailing list thread and a wiki page.  
  • Casey/Prabhjot asks the community to help identify missing pieces of the Release planning and provide feedback on the wiki. 
    • Initial alignment with the Contrail release.
      • Once we have a stable release process, we can look at something that best suits the community
    • Targeting a 6-month release cycle. 
    • Tungsten Fabric TSC needs to vote to adopt an official initial release. 
      • Prabhjot to propose an initial release for TSC vote
  • Upgrades and migration between commercial releases
    • How will TF structure the release so that end users can adopt commercial releases?
    • Work still needs to be done in this space.  A PTL still needs to be identified.
    • How will we drive the community release and have a clear method for "value-add" features from commercial offerings?
      • Is a feature flag the most appropriate method? 
  • How should we identify and report security issues?
    • Should we have "Service Releases" that includes security patches?
    • How long should we maintain a release with security updates?
    • is for reporting security issues.
    • For Security working group discussions, there is an LFN Security Workgroup.  Should TF have an independent working group at this time?

Gerrit vs GitHub

  • Casey suggested that this should be a deeper discussion with the broader community.  However, he would like to hear from the TSC members about their position. 
  • Sukhdev suggests that we make a community poll.
  • Vicky believes that just because there is Gerrit is currently in use does not mean there isn't value in switching to GitHub.
  • There should be clear benefits to migrating to another platform.
    • Vicky: Gerrit is actively driving away new contributors.
    • GitHub has very clear UI/UX which attracts new developers
    • CLA process has been a concern but those issues seem to be mitigated with the recent changes to the automated CLA tools provided by the LF and the migration to the LF Repositories has started to finally take advantage of the tooling.
    • Sanju: Gerrit does help us keep track of changes in the community.
      • Vicky suggests that those points should be sent to the mailing list thread.
      • Pono: We initially kept Gerrit because of Zuul.  Now that Zuul is no longer a requirement with the availability of Jenkins, Gerrit is less of a factor.
    • Vicky: There are some documentation struggles in dealing with Gerrit.
      • We have also paused some documentation so that there is a clear role of Gerrit/GitHub adoption.
    • Darien: Is it worth it to stay on the platform if there are challenges faced by turning away new developers?
    • Sanju: Let's highlight the pros and cons.
  • Casey: The CLA process will be the same once the repos have migrated to the LF.
    • We should decide based on the features and ease of use of the platform.
  • Casey asks that we have a discussion on the mailing list followed up with a vote on the  by the TSC.
    • #agreed

TAC Health Review

  • Casey asks for help completing the TF TAC Project Health Review.  We will submit the presentation for TAC Review on .
    • There will be a 2-week review process by the TAC.  Then on  there will be a 15-minute presentation and 15 minute Q&A session. 
    • We should highlight the progress we've made on Governance, Migration and Infra.
  • Darien Hirotsu Prabhjot Singh Sethi offered to help.

Action items