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Zoom Bridge: || Meeting ID: 126 834 756   ||  Recording Repository 

Attendees & Representation

TSC Members and Project representatives should mark their attendance below

X = Present | P = Proxy  (Indicate below table with @name for @name

Voting Members
Committer RepresentativesCommunity Representatives

LF Staff: Casey Cain Kenny Paul 



  • Start the Recording
  • We will start by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.
  • Agenda Bashing, Roll Call, Action Items (5 Minutes)
  • General Topics
    • Archival of the Tungsten Fabric Project 
  • Any Other Topics


Tungsten Fabric Archival

  • Introduction

    • The meeting was opened with a detailed explanation of the archival process for the Tungsten Fabric Project following the decision taken by the Technical Steering Committee (TSC).

  • Maintaining Active Services

    • It was announced that the Tungsten Fabric website, wiki, and mailing list will remain active for an additional year following the archival decision. This period will allow community members to engage in necessary communications, review the project's documentation, and backup any relevant content as required.

  • Decommission of Services

    • The meeting outlined that, with the exception of the website, wiki, and mailing list, all other Tungsten Fabric services will be decommissioned within 30 days from the final decision date. This includes Gerrit, which will undergo a final full mirror sync to GitHub before being marked as archived and subsequently shut down.

  • Archiving Mailing List

    • At the conclusion of the one-year period, it was clarified that the mailing list will be archived within the project repository. This decision was made to ensure the preservation of historical discussions and decisions associated with the Tungsten Fabric project.

  • Conclusion

    • The meeting concluded with an acknowledgment of the considerable efforts made by all members of the Tungsten Fabric community throughout the life of the project. The Linux Foundation reiterated its commitment to assisting with this transition, ensuring the continued availability of important project information and support for community members throughout the process.

  • The minutes of this meeting will be shared with the broader community to ensure everyone is informed about the archival process and timelines.


userVisualizationlinked user name
titleRESOLVED: The TSC agrees to Archive the Tungsten Fabric Project

Action items

  •  Prepare for the decommissioning of services within 30 days.  
  •  Plan for the final full mirror sync from Gerrit to GitHub.  
  •  Keep community members informed and supported throughout this transition.
  •  Archive the mailing list in the project repository at the end of the one-year period.