


Active meetup opportunities: 

  1. The Kubernetes & CNCF Bulgaria meetup requested a TF speaker for 2/28, but we passed on this because we couldn’t find a speaker in time. *They would welcome a speaker at a later meeting.
  2. Prague Containers Meetup - open to having a speaker, requested abstract and availability. No response to request for speakers on Slack and dev email list.
  3. Cloud Native London - interested in a service mesh presentation.
  4. OSN User Group in Moscow is interested hosting a TF presenter at an upcoming meetup in May or June. Alex's team unable to to this. If no other options, we will need to decline.
  5. Bay Area Cloud-Native Open Infrastructure Meetup would like a service mesh presentation ("the best security of both worlds" demo) and has asked if Juniper will host/provide speaker/select date. Organizer Lisa Namphy also suggests partnering with Henrik (from NeuVector), who is interested in sponsoring an Istio meetup. Perhaps partner up to help mitigate costs and organizational effort. Chaitanya?

Ongoing meetup outreach:

Conference updates

  1. ONS NA
    1. Running Tungsten Fabric at Scale - Piyush Srivastava, Workday - Thursday, April 4 • 3:40pm - 4:10pm
  2. Open Infrastructure Summit - Agenda (No TF topics accepted?) 

Action Items