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TSC Voting Members
Technical RepresentativesCommunity Representatives

Sukhdev Kapur - Juniper


Darien Hirotsu - TachTech


Sanju Abraham - Stackpath

Edward Ting - Cloudasoft

Ian Rae - CloudOps

Community Elected Roles
Release Manager

Marek Chwal- CodiLime


LF Staff: Casey Cain Chandra Dasari Vanessa Valderrama Andrew Grimberg

Others: Szymon Golebiewski Jared Linley Szymon Krasuski Prabhjot Singh Sethi James Kelly Andrey Pavlov Nick Davey



Topic 1

  • Comments

Topic 2


TF TSC Election

  • Today is the last day to submit your self-nomination.
  • Please submit your nominations. We only have three people so far. 
  • 10 open seats.
    • 5 committers
    • 5 active community members

TF Release

  • Marek Chwaltalked about the need to identify the release build for the official release.
    • We have the release notes and documentation ready.
    • Need clarification from Alexandre Levineon which dockerhub image to use
    • We cannot expect dependencies from juniper on community builds
    • Community is supposed to vote on images for the release rather than input from individual person or org
  • Collaborate on the mailing list to choose one tf build based on test report and release notes. Marek Chwal will present release notes, test reports and image to tsc to vote
    • TSC will vote for release date
  • Review release notes and known errors need to be reviewed.

Repo permissions

After a discussion on the repositories, the TSC has agreed to continue to review the PTL/Committers list and updated prior to the  TSC meeting

Action items
